Relux syrup
Relux syrup

relux syrup

I quit eating chocolate daily and slowly started saying no to or taking a pass on chocolate elsewhere. When I would order dessert at a restaurant or when I would have my choice of desserts at a party or other social function, I’d always go for the chocolate dessert.Īfter a fair amount of denial, ultimately, it got to the point that I felt bad enough that I knew something had to change. A little square of Dove dark chocolate is a great way to finish a meal. I LOVE chocolate and for many years, would eat it daily. But when you love a food, and you can’t eat it anymore, it’s rough.

relux syrup

I know not being able to eat chocolate is a first world problem. It was really frustrating, and the fact that chocolate was playing a clear role in it made the flare-up that much more frustrating. But I went through a bad reflux flare-up, one of the worst I’ve had since high school. I don’t think chocolate was the only thing triggering reflux during this period. Then one day, it was like a light switch flipped and chocolate started triggering reflux. not laying down after eating, not eating several hours before heading to bed) kept my acid reflux at bay the majority of the time. Until about 2010, taking medication and adhering to best acid reflux practices (i.e. After a bad flare-up during my senior year of high school, I started taking medication and have been managing it actively ever since (~15 years).

Relux syrup